Friday, April 10, 2009


I was sitting on a bench in Plaza Independencia reading a book and listening to live pan flutes when an old man sat down on the other end. He asked if I liked to read and told me that no one in Mendoza reads and that he´s a writer and so it makes him very happy to see me reading. We chatted for a little while about Mendoza and the origins of my name. Then he showed me the book he wrote. It was a stack of paper cut in half and folded lengthwise and stapled together. It containted little musings and comments about life such as, ´Politicians don´t spend much money on education because they have little of it.´ He had a Spanish version as well as copies in English with very literal and often comical translation.

He asked me about my travels so far and told me I too should write a book. He wanted to know where I was from and what I did back home and where my boyfriend was. He told me that my boyfriend is probably lonely without me. He cautioned me to always be aware of my belongings because people in Argentina can be shifty. I had trouble not laughing at the irony of his advise. He stood up to leave and gave me a poem he wrote titled, ´Sos bella´ meaning, You Are Beautiful. He told me to be careful in Mendoza because I am a very pretty girl. He said it was a pleasure to meet me, wished me luck on the rest of my travels, and told me that if he is ever in Philadelphia he was going to ask for me. Then he kissed me on both cheeks and walked away.

Sos Bella

Sin palabras de mas
sin palabras de menos

Sos bella

es inventar la luz
de la mañana

So bella

y en tu sonrisar nace,
luminosa el poema

y sos como una flor,
que adorna las miradas.

Sin palabras de mas
sin palabras de menos
Sos bella

- Carlos Lépez


  1. nothing like a sincere compliment to lighten the heart and raise the chin. I'm glad you kept writing. I dont comment much but i enjoy reading (and seething with jealousy over everything but the theft).

    Soon you will be stateside, however. It's going to be a hell of a transition, my sister. Are you staying with us? Esto will be here soon after, and a house full of the four of us would, i think, be a wonderful thing.

    Remember that you dont have any seat assignments for your flight out of Santiago. So, you must arrive at the airport EARLY, I would reccomend unfortunately at least 5 hours before take-off, to check in and make sure you dont get bumped. If i could i would get you seats but Avianca wont let me assign them. You may also be able to check in online.

    cant wait to see you.

    ps- by the time you get here, we will be sowing our vegetables; if you stay long enough we might let you eat some beans or something.

  2. PPS- not to worry you, but have you heard anything from Esto in the past week or so? I read on BBC about martial law in Medellin and wrote him imediately; havent heard since.
