Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ethical Leather?

I´ve been thinking a lot in the past few months about buying my bags, shoes, belts, wallets, etc., out of man-made materials rather than support a farming and killing industry that I do not believe in.

From an ethical standpoint it seems clear to me to avoid relying the skin of other animals to cover my skin, especially when there are many fashionable, affordable, durable, and ethical alternatives. However, I have recently started to wonder about what is more sustainable, man-made pleathers and plastics or leather.

The article that follows addresses the issue more thoroughly and provides alternatives to both supporting industrial farming and the harsh environmental impact of leather production and of producing more plastics and more unbiodegradable waste which is an unfortunate by-product of making the more ethical fashion choice.

Just because it´s vegan, doesn´t necessarily mean it´s better, for you or the environment. What do you think? Especially you, Court, I know how much you like your vegan footwear!


  1. Do any companies exist that only produce leather products from animals that are raised on completely organic, free-range cattle ranches?

  2. I don´t know and that is something I wondered about myself. I haven´t been able to look into it yet. There is still the practice of tanning the leather to consider as well...ethically produced and vegetable tanned? Worth looking into.

  3. Hmm, this is really tricky. I've always avoided buying leather because I feel hypocritical. I've recently been considering buying second-hand leather (e.g. leather shoes at thrift stores), since I'm not supporting the practices I object to that way, and I'm reducing waste by buying second-hand. I also feel like some of the companies I support aim for biodegradable and/or recycled materials, which is obviously a plus. I don't know much about tanning, that takes more research...
