Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Litter, litter everywhere.

I read an article today in USA today analyzing the 7.4 million pounds of marine debris collected by The Ocean Conservancy in just one day.

Here's the list:
2,189,252 Cigarettes/cigarette filters
1,126,774 Plastic Bags
943,233 Food wrappers/containers
912,246 Caps, lids
883,737 Plastic bottles
This only provides a snapshot of the type of debris and the quantity of particular items that find their way through storm drains, into waterways, and out to the ocean.  The report by the Ocean Conservancy states that 60-80% of marine debris starts out on land and that the United States yields the greatest amount of debris by far than any other country: 4,253,650 pounds! 
 We should be ashamed of ourselves, but instead we're busy throwing our cigarette butts out the window while drinking soda from a plastic bottle, carried from the store to our car in a plastic bag. 
Does this disgust anyone else?? Please remember, what we do in our communities has a global impact.

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